Getting Help Links

Healthcare Professionals

If in doubt, check it out – see a GP or health professional


Healthpoint provides up-to-date information about healthcare providers and their opening hours. 


Healthline provides free health advice over the phone. Call Healthline any day or time on freephone 0800 611 116.

Call if you:

  • feel unwell but you’re not sure whether you need to see a doctor
  • need some urgent advice about a family member or friend who’s sick
  • are on holiday in NZ and want to know where the nearest doctor or pharmacy is

Support and Information

Headway – Brain Injury Auckland Provides information and advice to support you on your recovery.

Living with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | MSKTC Additional information and resources.

Concussion Awareness Now | Traumatic Brain Injury Advocacy A good resource to help young people understand a concussion and how to look after their precious brain.

An overview of concussion/mild traumatic brain injury management for primary healthcare professionals - bpacnz An overview of concussion management for primary healthcare professionals.

Concussion Service Providers – ACC funded

For ACC cover you will need to get your doctor (GP) to refer you to a concussion clinic. To access a concussion clinic funded by ACC, you must have:

  • Had an injury within the last 12 months
  • Have an accepted current ACC claim
  • Been diagnosed with a mild or moderate brain injury
  • Been experiencing continued signs and symptoms that are impacting on how you function in daily life

ACC Concussion Service Providers 

Concussion Service Providers – not funded by ACC

If you want a private consultation, you can contact a local concussion clinic directly to make an appointment. This could be one from the ACC list or any other concussion service.

Some of these include:

HeadWise Concussion Care | Auckland | Home

Auckland Chiropractor I Lou Bashall I The Body Compass

ACC Support and Navigation

Wayfinders A free nationwide ACC Navigation service 

Talk Meet Resolve A free independent nationwide service that can assist you in resolving your dispute with ACC. 

Community Law Accident compensation (ACC) - Community Law

Whanau Ora Community Clinic Provides a Kaupapa Māori Navigation Service in Tāmaki Makaurau